Rotary Helping Herefordshire is a network of people who want to give something back to the community in which we live. Recognising the demands of everyday life, the club is flexible and light touch in terms of the commitment required from supporters.
We undertake fundraising and invite bids for support from local initiatives simply by applying for a grant online. All funds raised are allocated on a case by case basis and always within a timely manner.
Since our launch in 2018, we have raised just over £25,000 and have awarded 50 grant applications. Read about some the projects we have helped with.
Next Event
Wine Tasting​
Meandering Around The Med with Mike Cohn
Friday 11th October 7pm
£45 to include wine and light refreshments
Email contact@rotaryrhh.com
"Rotary Helping Hereford have been amazing (for those who don't know me I'm a children community nurse in Hereford) and have provided some of our lovely families with much needed charitable support.
For example, a specialised car seat, for a severely disabled child and recently did a beautiful bedroom make over for a teenage oncology patient!
They are real life-line for us."
Tracey Lowe, Children's Community Nurse